An investigation of 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine and 8-isoprostaglandin F2α levels in patients with larynx carcinoma
Yaser Said, Ufuk Düzenli, Mehmet Berköz, Hüseyin Özkan, Nazım Bozan
(ENT Updates 2020; 10: 335-339) DOI: 10.32448/entupdates.744725
Yaser Said, Ufuk Düzenli, Mehmet Berköz, Hüseyin Özkan, Nazım Bozan
(ENT Updates 2020; 10: 335-339) DOI: 10.32448/entupdates.744725
Alper Kanmaz, Yunus Sakin, Togay Müderris, Nazım Bozan, Muzaffer Kırış
(ENT Updates 2014; 4: 37-39) DOI: 10.2399/jmu.2014001008