Computed tomography analysis of sinonasal anatomical variations and relationship with the maxillary sinus retention cysts
Ahmet Kepekçi, Gökalp Dizdar, Ali Bestemi Kepekçi
(ENT Updates 2016; 6: 70-73) DOI: 10.2399/jmu.2016002009
Ahmet Kepekçi, Gökalp Dizdar, Ali Bestemi Kepekçi
(ENT Updates 2016; 6: 70-73) DOI: 10.2399/jmu.2016002009
Zeliha Kapusuz, Levent Saydam, Noam A. Cohen, Cemal Cingi
(ENT Updates 2015; 5: 87-92) DOI: 10.2399/jmu.2015003002