ENT Updates
Case Reports

Double Tongue Appearance of Congenital Neck Mass: Successful Management of Restricted Airway with Awake Fiberoptic Nasal Intubation


Department of Anaesthesia and Critical Care, K N Medical College, AMU Aligarh, India

ENT Updates 2024; 14: 52-54
DOI: 10.5152/entupdates.2024.24355
Keywords : Cyst, dermoid, tongue
Read: 170 Downloads: 147 Published: 09 May 2024

Abstract: Epidermoid cysts are benign lesions that can cause mechanical airway obstruction if present in the neck and extend into the mouth foor. A 30-year-old male patient presented with a large, painless swelling in the anterior aspect of the neck and mouth foor. Surgical excision was planned under general anesthesia, and awake nasal fberoptic intubation was the sole choice in view of restricted oral space secondary to swelling. This case report highlights the importance of planned awake nasal fberoptic intubation and the challenges involved in the airway management of such rare cases.

Cite this article as: Khalid A, Nasreen  F, Kumar M. Double tongue appearance of congenital neck mass: Successful management of restricted airway with awake fberoptic nasal intubation. ENT Updates. 2024;14(2):52-54.

EISSN 2149-6498