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Evaluation of endoscopic examination and paranasal computed tomography findings in failed dacryocystorhinostomy patients

Emine Güven Şakalar, Hikmet Başmak, Hüseyin Gürsoy, Hamdi Çaklı

(ENT Updates 2017; 7: 139-143) DOI: 10.2399/jmu.2017003007

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Bilateral and multicentric Warthin’s tumor primarily presented with cervical lymph node involvement

Muammer Şahin, Alper Ceylan, Mehmet Düzlü, Erolcan Sayar

(ENT Updates 2018; 8: 62-65) DOI: 10.2399/jmu.2018001010

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Clinical and microbiological evaluation of the culture results of the patients with chronic dacryocystitis at a tertiary care hospital

Murat Gümüşsoy, İbrahim Çukurova, Gülfem Ece, Erdem Atalay

(ENT Updates 2016; 6: 34-42) DOI: 10.2399/jmu.2016001004

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EISSN 2149-6498